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The Sunshine Sisters: Blossom (Little Duck Pond Café) is going on tour with Rachel's Random Resources, if you wish to participate please contact me on with your name, blog name, preferred post type and availability. 

One Christmas Eve Cover

The Sunshine Sisters: Blossom (Little Duck Pond Café) by Rosie Green

Genre: Romance

Tour Dates: 14th July 2024

Publication Date: 7th June 2024

Estimated Page Count: 200

Thirty Fourth standalone novella of The Little Duck Pond Cafe series, Third in a sub trilogy

Formats available: Epub

Types of post available: Review Only

Pre-order Link:

Blossom Sunshine's life is anything but boring right now. She's determined to finally solve the mystery of who her biological father is – despite Mum Ada putting a spanner in the works. What is Ada trying to hide? Meanwhile, best friend Billy is doing his best to impress new girl Jenna. This means cutting back on all the delicious cakes and carbs that he loves, but Jenna's worth it. Isn't she? And then there's Blossom's own love life, which has been a catalogue of disasters up till now – but that was before she met Trevor.  He's not her usual type but she thinks maybe that's a good thing? Could this be real love at long last? One thing's for certain – the path to Blossom achieving her heart's desire looks like it will be far from smooth!

About Rosie Green

Rosie’s series of Little Duck Pond Café novellas is centred around life in a country village cafe. Blossom’s story is the third in a trilogy called The Sunshine Sisters, following on from ‘Aurora’ and ‘Skye’.

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