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The Love Hack is going on tour with Rachel's Random Resources, if you wish to participate please contact me on with your name, blog name, preferred post type and availability. 

One Christmas Eve Cover

The Love Hack by Sophie Ranald

Genre: Romantic Comedy/Women’s Fiction

Tour Dates: 7th - 13th June 2024

Publication Date: 7th June 2024

Publisher: Storm Publishing

Standalone Novel

Estimated Page Count: 336

Formats available: Epub and PDF

Publisher Content Warning: - Toxic romantic relationships, Grief (loss of a parent)

Types of post available: Review Only

She’s a rookie advice columnist. He’s her office crush. It’s about to get complicated…

Landing a new job as online agony uncle “Ask Adam” Lucy dishes out relationship tips to men. But when it comes to her own love life, she’d rather spend Friday nights curled up on her sofa with Netflix and her cat, Astro.

That is, until she meets Ross, her new co-worker who makes her snort with laughter at his silly jokes and sets off butterflies in her stomach when his hazel eyes meet hers over his laptop.

After her last work boyfriend broke her heart, Lucy swore she’d never fall for someone in the office again. And she’s just about to have two more good reasons not to.

1.      An email has just landed in the “Ask Adam” inbox and Lucy is convinced it’s from Ross.

2.      He’s most definitely not single.

As her advice column goes viral and her inbox overflows with problems, Lucy turns to her AI assistant for help decoding romantic troubles, including her own. Can her state-of-the-art cupid really help her navigate her feelings for Ross? Or will the truth behind “Ask Adam” turn her non-existent love life into a hot mess?

A totally heart-warming, feel-good, and relatable romantic comedy that will have you laughing and crying as you race through the pages. If you love Sophie Kinsella, Emily Henry and Beth O’Leary, you’ll instantly fall for The Love Hack.

About Sophie Ranald

Sophie Ranald is the youngest of five sisters. Born in Zimbabwe, she lived in South Africa until an acute case of itchy feet brought her to London in her mid-20s.


Sophie's first novel, It Would Be Wrong to Steal My Sister's Boyfriend (Wouldn't it?), was published in 2013. Since then, she has written over a dozen more romantic comedies, including the runaway bestseller Sorry Not Sorry. Sophie's books have sold almost a million copies, regularly top the charts on Kindle and Apple Books, have been translated into five languages and have been featured on Late Night with Seth Meyers.

When she's not hammering at her keyboard on a deadline, Sophie can be found trying to lift heavy things in the gym, running extremely slowly or attempting to mix the perfect dry martini. She lives in South East London with her amazing partner and their two adorable cats.

​Follow Sophie Ranald

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Blog Tour Schedule

Maximum 3 stops per day.  Confirmed blogs will appear here. 

7th June

  1. Jan's Book Buzz

  2. readwithjackalope

8th June

  1. @twoladiesandabook

  2. Beauty Addict

9th June

  1. Kirsty_Reviews_Books

  2. Books, Life and Everything

10th June

  1. WildWritingLife

11th June

  1. TBHonest

12th June

  1. Theloopyknot

13th June

  1. @teaandbooks90

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