A Modern Midlife Christmas Carol is going on tour with Rachel's Random Resources, if you wish to participate please contact me on rachel@rachelsrandomresources.com with your name, blog name, preferred post type and availability.

A Modern Midlife Christmas Carol by Alana Oxford
Genre: Women’s Fiction, Seasonal
Tour Dates: 15th October 2024
Publication Date: 15th October 2024
Estimated Page Count: 150
Standalone Novel
Formats available: Epub
Types of post available: Reviews, very limited extract, Q&As (author and blogger supplied)
Christmas cheer was dead, to begin with.
The world rests on Eliza’s shoulders. The kids, her husband, work, her elderly mother and don’t forget her newest friend, perimenopause. It’s too much to carry, but she’s been doing it for years. It’s just what a good wife and mother does, isn’t it?
When another Christmas rolls around, Eliza is drained by all the expectations and logistics of the holiday season. She’s fast approaching her breaking point, only no one around her notices she’s on the edge.
After an incident at her in-law’s on Christmas Eve brings things to a boiling point, she finds herself with three unexpected visitors. The spirits of the past, present, and future take her on a journey through her life to shake her out of the rut she’s gotten into. Their messages leave her with new possibilities: reconnect with her past, reclaim her present, or forge a new future, and you, the reader, decide which option is best!
About Alana Oxford
Alana Oxford is a Michigan author of romcoms, sweet romance, and humorous women's fiction. She wants her stories to bring sunshine and smiles to her readers. She enjoys improv comedy, moody music, everything book related, and has an ongoing love affair with the United Kingdom.

Blog Tour Schedule
Confirmed blogs will appear here.
Jane Hunt Writer (jolliffe01)
Tizi's Book Review
Pickled Thoughts and Pinot
Broad Thoughts from a Home
Bookworm's Not So Secret Library
Against the Flow
Leanne bookstagram
Celticlady's Reviews
Becca’s Book Reviews
Heather Adores Books
Stacey-Ann Says
Storied Conversation
Mai's Musings
It Girl World
Left on the Shelf
Novel Kicks
Deannas Bookstagram
Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews