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Until We Can Forgive is going on tour with Rachel's Random Resources. If you wish to participate please contact me on with your name, blog name, preferred post type and availability. 

Until We Can Forgive Cover

Until We Can Forgive by Rosemary Goodacre


Genre: WW1 Saga

Tour Dates: 28th October  - 3rd November 2020

Publication Date: 28th October 2020

Formats available: Mobi or Epub

Publisher: Hera

Standalone Third Book in a Series

Estimated Page Count: 300

Types of post available: Reviews (preferred) or Q&As


They survived the Great War, but will life ever be the same?


Spring 1919: WW1 is over and a fragile peace has descended over the country. Now living in Cambridge with husband Edmond, Amy Derwent is settling into her new life as wife and mother to little Beth. But the shadow of the Great War looms large, particularly as the injuries Edmond sustained at Ypres still take their toll on him today.


Edmond’s cousin, Vicky, has now grown into a fine young woman, eager to help her country. Throwing off her privileged background to train as a nurse, she spends her days tending to the many soldiers still suffering the after-effects of their time on the battlefield.


Meeting Maxim Duclos, a young Frenchman who has arrived in Larchbury, fills her heart with joy - but when it is discovered that Maxim may be hiding the truth about his past, Vicky is faced with an impossible choice. Follow her heart’s desire and risk her family’s disapproval or keep her family – but deny herself the chance of true love?

The war may be over, but Edmond, Amy and Vicky must all face a new battle, finding their own peace in a country wounded by loss.

About Rosemary Goodacre


Rosemary Goodacre is thrilled to have a three book deal with Hera Books. Her World War I romance Until We Meet Again will be released on 31/10/19. Her heroine, Amy, faces many challenges as she works as a nurse and struggles to spend time with Edmond, her sweetheart.

Previously Rosemary has had a novella published, entitled A Fortnight is not Enough, and a science fiction story in the anthology Telescoping Time.

Rosemary has always loved languages and travel, mainly in Europe. In her spare time she enjoys country walking, bridge and classical music. She lives in Kent, England.


Social Media Links

Rosemary Goodacre Author Photo
  • Rosemary Goodacre Twitter
  • Rosemary Goodacre Facebook
  • Rosemary Goodacre LinkedIn

Blog Tour Schedule


Maximum 3 stops per day.  Confirmed blogs will appear here. 


28th October

  1. Chapter and Cake

  2. Bookish Jottings

  3. Me And My Books

29th October

  1. Dragonrose Books Galore Reviews

  2. Jazzy Book Reviews

  3. Confessions of a Bookaholic

30th October

  1. Ginger Book Geek

  2. WriteMinds

  3. It Takes a Woman

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