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Jupiter’s Fire is going on tour with Rachel's Random Resources, if you wish to participate please contact me on with your name, blog name, preferred post type and availability. 


Jupiter’s Fire by William Osborne


Genre:  YA Historical adventure

Tour Dates: 1st - 7th December 2019

Publication Date: 1st December 2019

Publisher: Conrad Press

Formats available: Mobi and Epub

Estimated Page Count: 224 

Standalone Novel

Types of post available: Reviews and Q&As

Author Warning: There is some violence in the course of the action.  Several people are shot and an old priest is murdered.


When Franco, a teenager living in the monastery at Monte Cassino in 1944 uncovers a long-lost Roman Eagle, the
fabled Aquila for the Jupiter Legion, he sets in motion a desperate struggle to prevent the Nazis from using it to win the war. In a do-or-die mission, Franco and Dulcie, a teenage mountain girl, must steal the Eagle back and escape before its deadly power is unleashed. Pursued by the implacable forces of the SS they will discover not just the secrets of the Eagle but also themselves.

Jupiter's Fire cover

Blog Tour Schedule


Maximum 3 stops per day.  Confirmed blogs will appear here. 


1st December

  1. donnasbookblog

  2. Mai's Musings

  3. Jane Hunt Writer

2nd December

  1. Yesmoreblogs

  2. Jessica Belmont

  3. Splashes Into Books

3rd December

  1. Jazzy Book Reviews

  2. Four Moon Reviews

  3. Books and Geekiness

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