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One Christmas Eve Banner

Troublemakers is going on tour with Rachel's Random Resources, if you wish to participate please contact me on with your name, blog name, preferred post type and availability. 

One Christmas Eve Cover

Troublemakers by Gillian Godden


Genre: Gangland thriller

Tour Dates: 3rd - 9th December 2024

Publication Date: 3rd December 2024

Publisher: Boldwood Books

Standalone Second Novel in The Silvas series

Formats available: Netgalley Widget

Types of post available: Review Only

A brand new gripping and thrilling gangland story by Gillian Godden. Perfect for fans of Kerry Kaya, Kimberley Chambers and Martina Cole.


With Alex Silva facing time behind bars, his family are in freefall. Wife Maggie doesn't know how she's going to cope without her beloved Alex. How will the Silva family survive?


But survival is in the Silva blood and Aex has taught his children, Deana and Dante well.

Hotheaded Deana is determind to carry on in her father's footsteps, not matter how risky things might get. Cool under pressure, Dante has other ideas about how to live up to his dad's reputation.


But one things for sure, this new generation is going to cause more trouble than anyone can handle...


Will the Silvas survive or will trouble follow them?

About Gillian Godden

Gillian Godden is a brilliantly reviewed writer of gangland fiction as well as a full-time NHS Key Worker in Hull. She lived in London for over thirty years, where she sets her thrillers, and during this time worked in various stripper pubs and venues which have inspired her stories.

​Follow Gillian Godden

Facebook: @GillianGoddenAuthor

Twitter: @GGodden

Instagram: @GoddenGillian

TikTok: gilliangodden1

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Blog Tour Schedule

Maximum 3 stops per day.  Confirmed blogs will appear here. 

3rd December

  1. Leanne bookstagram

  2. Little Miss Book Lover 87

4th December

  1. Bookstagramshaz

  2. Bookish Jottings

5th December

  1. Scotsbookworm

  2. Me And My Books

6th December

  1. jen_loves_reading

  2. Sharon Beyond The Books

7th December

  1. Book Mark!

8th December

  1. TBHonest

9th December

  1. Staceywh_17

  2. Chick Lit Central

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